
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become one of the basic requirements of the
modern society. In today’s digital era, we use mobile devices to perform the tasks of our daily life. It is
difficult to think of any event without the use of digital devices. Information Technology (IT) is one
of the world’s fastest growing economic activities, which envisages easier flow of information at various levels in the desired pattern. The Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS) sector
has not only changed the way the world looks at our country but has also made significant contributions
to the Indian economy. This session will introduce the basic concepts and ideas related to Information Technology (IT) and IT enabled Services (ITeS).

Class 10 IT402 Question Answer Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry PDF Click here

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing and exchanging information. IT includes all types of technology used to deal with information, such as computer hardware and software technology used for creating, storing, and transferring information. Computer takes data as input, processes it and produces the results as output. The information is the result of data processing. Data refers to the facts or raw material, which are processed to get the information. Number of boys and girls in a class is a factual data of the classroom. This is an example of data related to the  students in the class. Some conclusion can be drawn  based on the data. This conclusion is information. The decisions are taken on the basis of data and information.IT is a tightly integrated part of business. Computers and information systems are an essential part of every business today. Like accounting and legal, every business needs to invest in technology to compete. IT has several benefits for a business, such as it helps in reaching more potential customers, developing a business relationship with potential customers, streamlining operations, reducing costs, improving efficiency, maximising profit, minimising waste, providing better service to customers, supporting better relationships with key partners, and  allowing customers to better guide the business.

Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS)
Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS). ITeS is also called  web-enabled services or remote services that cover the entire operations which exploit Information Technology  for improving the efficiency of an organisation. These services provide a wide range of career options that include opportunities in all offices like call centres, payrolls,  logistics management, revenue claims processing, medical billing, coding, medical transcription, legal databases, back office operations, content development, GIS (geographical information system), web services and Human Resource (HR) services, etc. ITeS is defined as outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas like finance, HR, administration, health care, telecommunication, manufacturing, etc.