Introduction to IT – ITeS Industry




1. What is the full form of following:-


IT- Information Technology

ITsS-Information Technology enabled Services

ICT - Information and Communication Technology

BPO -Business Process Outsourcing

BPM - Business Process Management

GGP- Gross Domestic Product

GIS -Geographical Information System

MNCs -Multinational Companies

ISPs -Indian Service Providers

GIC - Global In-house Centers

LMS- Learning Management System

CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing

ATM - Automated Teller Machines

MRI-Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine

CAT - Computerised Axial Tomography Machine

ECG – Electro Cardio Gram

EEG – Electro-ncephalography

NGOs -Non-Governmental Organisations


2. What do you understand by the term IT and ITeS?

Answer:- Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing and exchanging information using all types of technology to deal with information. ITeS: Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS).


3. What are the pros(Advantage) and cons(Disadvantages) of using ICT?


Advantages of ICT are-

1. With the use of information and communication technology, the time of the customers and providers would be saved.

2. ICT facilitates the users to deliver information faster and timely over remote areas.

3. With the help of ICT, the transactions can be successfully running and it also ensures safer and easier transfer of money from one account to another.

Disadvantages of ICT are-

1. ICT is susceptible to various cyber-threats which may rise various risk in future.

2. ICT limits the imagination and observance power of students in education domain.

3. It also arises various health-related problems such as vision problem to students, heart-related problems to elder people etc.


4. What precautions are required to ensure that ICT use is safe?

Answer:- There some precautions are required to ensure that ICT use is safe:-

1. Install protective software :- Install Antivirus which can help to reduce any damage to the data present in the computer and keep it updated.

2. Choose strong passwords:-Strong passwords use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

3. Back up on a regular basis:- Routine backups on Hard disks or online drives can protect you from the unexpected loss of data.

4. Control access to your machine:- Always logout from your id and do not leave your machine unattended with your id logged in.

5. Use email and the internet safely :- Ignore unwanted emails. Be cautious of attachments, links, and forms in emails that come from people you don't know.

6. Protect sensitive data :-Protect sensitive files using the encryption tools built into your operating system.

7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites

8. Be Careful What You Post: Don't put anything online that may hurt someone.

9. Be Careful Who You Meet Online: People you meet online are not always who they claim to be.

10. Be Careful What You Download.



5. What are the four main sub-sectors in the IT-BPM industry?

Answer:- There are four sub-sectors within the IT-BPM Industry, as shown below, get access to latest information on IT-BPM industry sectors.

1. IT Services

2. Business Process Management

3. Software Products

4. Engineering Research and Development



6. How is IT used in libraries?

Answer:- Nowadays many libraries are computerised. Each book has a barcode associated with it. This makes it easier for the library to a keep track of books

and the availability of a specific book. Computer software is used to issue and return the book.


7. What are the various processes of education where IT is used?

Answer:- The various processes of education where IT is used are:-

(a) ICT in the classroom

(b) Education — anywhere anytime

(c) Teaching aids and media

(d) Learning Management System (LMS)



8. Which software are used in digital communication?

Answer:- There are many software’s developed to facilitate the digital communication between people and between the states. Few of the software’s which are very much

popular among the netizens now a days are the MS Office, SharePoint, Skype, Drop box etc.


9. For what purpose is IT used in business?

Answer:- The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents. Minimally, the money

received should fund the costs of operating the business as well as provide for the life needs of the proprietor.


10. Which are the prominent areas where IT is used in science and engineering?

Answer:- performing complex calculations and for visualizing,3-dimensional objects. Complex scientific applications like rocket launching, space exploration, etc., are not

possible without the computers.


11. List the various uses of IT in a banking system.

Answer:- The various uses of IT in a banking system are:-

1. Recurring deposits (e-RD), Fixed deposits (e-FD)

2. Money transfer from one account to another (NEFT, RTGS)

3. Online transactions are done using Internet.

4. Capital market transactions

5. Financial analysis and related services are available in online platforms.


12. Which are the different areas of healthcare where IT is used? And how?

Answer :- The different areas of healthcare where IT is used are:-

(i) Computerised Axial Tomography Machine (CAT):

(ii) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine):

(iii) Electrocardiogram (ECG) Machine:

(iv) Cardiac Screening Machine:

(v) EEG (Electro encephalography) Machine:

(vi) Blood Sugar Testing Machine:

(vii) Blood Pressure Measuring Machine:

ICT is used in the health sector in numerous ways. Hospital Management System is used to maintain and manage patients’ records as well as various activities pertaining to

hospital administration. The computerised Scan. The variety of measuring instruments and surgical equipment are used to monitor patients’ conditions during complex surgery. Expert system is used for diagnosis.


13. List any 5 websites of the Indian government which provide IT enabled services to the people.

Answer:- websites of the Indian government which provide IT enabled services to the people are:-

a) https://uidai.gov.in.

b) https://www.indiapost.gov.in.

c) https://portal1.passportindia.gov.in.

d) https://www.epfindia.gov.in.

e) https://www.irctc.co.in.


14. What is BPO services? Write Some of the BPO services.

Answer:- Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services means performing business operations through an outside service provider. BPO also comes under IT services as IT plays a very useful role in optimising the business performance. The BPO industry is highly organised and hence various kinds of jobs are outsourced in India. India has the expertise in reducing costs with firm control on the quality of the service.

Some of the BPO services are as follows:

(a) Financial and Accounting Services

(b) Taxation and Insurance Services

(c) E-Publishing and Web Promotion

(d) Legal Services and Content Writing

(e) Multimedia and Design Services

(f) Document Management Services

(g) Software Testing Services

(h) Health Care Services


15. Write about BPM industry in India.

Answer:-The IT BPM (Business Process Management) industry has been fueling India’s growth. In addition to contributing towards the country’s Gross Domestic Product

(GDP) and exports, the growth of the IT BPM industry has provided India with a wide range of economic and social benefits which includes creating employment, raising income levels, and promoting exports.


16. Write the Structure of the IT-BPM industry.

Answer:- The Structure of the IT-BPM industry are:-

(a) Multinational Companies (MNCs):

(b) Indian Service Providers (ISPs):

(c) Global In-house Centers (GIC):


17. Write different application of IT.


Explore the impact of IT and ITeS in various areas in day-to-day life.

Answer:- Different application of IT are:-

1. IT in home computing

2. IT in everyday life

3. IT in library

4. IT at workplace

5. IT in education

6. IT in entertainment

7. IT in communication

8. IT in business

9. IT in science and engineering

10. IT in banking

11. IT in insurance

12. IT in marketing

13. IT in the government and public service in health care


18. What is use of IT in communication?

Answer:- Communication is used to convey messages and ideas, pictures, or speeches. A person who receives this must understand clearly and correctly.


19. What is major effect of IT in entertainment?

Answer:- Information Technology has had a major impact on the entertainment industry. Internet is a major source of entertainment. One can download and view movies, play games, chat, use multimedia, incorporate visual and sound effects using computers, etc.