Class 10 IT402 Question Answer Relational Database Management System (Basic) For PDF Click here 


Question Answer


1. How can we rename a worksheet?

2. What are the two ways of referencing cells in other worksheets?

3. Differentiate between relative and absolute hyperlinks.

4. List the procedure involved in Linking HTML Tables to Calc Worksheet

5. Fill up the blanks

a. At the bottom of each worksheet window is a small tab that indicates the ____________ of the worksheets in the workbook.

b. A ___________ refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you want formula to calculate.



1. What is the purpose of adding comments?

2. How can we add comments to the changes made?

3. State True/ False


a. Original author of the Worksheet can accept or reject changes made by other users.

4. Fill up the blanks

a. Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in the ____________ location where several users can access.

c. Spreadsheet software can find the changes by __________ Sheets.




1. What are Macros?

2. How can we record a Macro?

3. Fill up the blank

a. Macros are useful to ___________ a task the same way over and over again.



Very short answer questions (One mark questions)

1. The _____________ feature provides the contents of one cell from more than one sheet can be combined at one place.

2. You cannot combine more than one worksheet cell data into different sheets and use the formula. (True/False)

3. How to open a consolidated dialog box in OO Calc?

4. To create a range, which of the following option is used?

    a. Insert Names Rang      b. Insert Names Define  c. Insert Range       d. None of these

5. Which of the following button is used to define a range after typing name?

    a. Add                     b. OK                    c. More                d. Delete

6. The row labels and column labels options will only available when you click on _______ button.

7. The __________ option is used to update the value in consolidated worksheet formula cell automatically when the user changes data in source cell.

8. Which of the following option allows to select the source of data for the consolidation?

    a. Function            b. Consolidation Ranges             c. Source Data range               d. Copy results to

9. Which of the following option of consolidate dialog box allow to select destination cells?

    a. Function            b. Consolidation Ranges             c. Source Data range               d. Copy results to

10. Once ranges are added to consolidated dialog cannot be deleted. (True/False)


1. Consolidate

2. False

3. Click on Data Consolidate option.

4. b. Insert Names Define

5. a. Add

6. Consolidate by

7. Link to source data

8. c. Source Data range

9. Copy result to

10. False

1.   A ___________ function provides a tool to test and quickly change the arguments of formula and view the new results.

2.   You can use _________ to modify existing scenarios.

3.   Which menu contains the option of creating scenarios?

1.   File

2.   Edit

3.   Tools

4.   Data

4.   Click on _______ –> ___________ to open navigator window.

5.   Which of the following is a shortcut key to open navigator window?

1.   F2

2.   F5

3.   F3

4.   F4

6.   A ____________ is the information displayed in navigator when you click the scenarios icon and select the desired scenario.

7.   Which of the following option is not available under settings checkboxes in create scenario dialog box?

1.   Display Border

2.   Copy Back

3.   Prevent Changes

4.   Navigator

8.   The __________ option displays the arrow points to the cells directly dependent on the current cell.

9.   To edit a scenario including its name and comments, right-click on the scenario name and choose the _____________ option.

10.                You cannot delete a scenario once it is created. (True/False)

11.                A ____________ tool is used to create a formula array in OO Calc.

12.                Which of the following statement is/are correct with respect to multiple operations?

1.   It is a function that acts on other functions.

2.   It allows computing different results without having to enter and run them separately.

3.   You need two arrays for cell for multiple operations.

4.   All of the above

1.   Only Option 1 or only option 2 or only option 3

2.   Option 1, 2 and 3

3.   Option 1 and 3

4.   Only option 1

13.                Click on ____________ –> _____________ option to open multiple operations in OO Calc.

14.                You can only compute the results by input rows using Multiple Operations. (True / False)

15.                You can easily select the cell for the input cell by clicking _________ button in the Multiple Operations dialog box.

16.                In OO Calc, Data –> Multiple Operations option is enabled, by default . (True / False)


1.   What-if Scenarios

2.   Navigator

3.   Tools

4.   View –> Navigator

5.   F5

6.   Comment

7.   4. Navigator

8.   Trace Dependents

9.   Properties

10.                False

11.                Multiple Operations

12.                2. Options 1, 2 and 3

13.                Data, Multiple Operations

14.                False

15.                Shrink

16.                False


Objective Type Questions

1 Mark Questions (Fill in the blanks, MCQ , True/False or one word answer)

1 A _______ feature provides a target based result and informs the user about the changes in value in the applied formula.

Ans.: GoalSeek

2 To run a GoalSeek, at least one of the values for an argument must be

a) value

b) range

c) cell reference

d) b and c

Ans.: Option d) b and c

3 How many arguments can be altered in GoalSeek?

Ans.: One

4 You cannot replace the original value with GoalSeek resultant value. (True/False)

Ans.: False

5 You must place a cursor in a formula cell before using GoalSeek. (True/False)

Ans.: True

6 A ___________ option displays a cell address in GoalSeek dialogbox.

Ans.: Formula Cell

7 Which of the following option is used to type a resultant value to achieve the goal?

a) Goal Value

b) Target Value

c) Variable Value

d) GoalSeek Value

Ans. b) Target Value

8 The ______________ option allows to select a cell to display or set the result value in a GoalSeek dialog box.

Ans.: Variable Cell

9 OO Calc display the change of value in which of the following?

a) In the variable cell

b) In the dialog box

c) In a message

d) All of the above

Ans.: a) In the variable cell

10 When you click on OK button in GoalSeek dialogbox, ____________ will appear in OO Calc.

Ans.: GoalSeek Successful Message box

11 The GoalSeek Successful Message box will show only the target value as result. (True/False)

Ans.: False

12 A ___________ feature is more elaborate form of GoalSeek.

Ans. Solver

13 Which feature of OO Calc deals with formulas with multiple unknown value?

Ans.: Solver

14 Click on __________ -> ___________ to open GoalSeek dialog box.

Ans: Tools –> GaolSeek

15 Click on _______ -> _______ to open solver dialog box.

Ans.: Tools –> Solver

16 You can set any kind of value like greater than, lesser than, equal or specific value using solver. (True/False)

Ans.: True

17 You can optimize result to which of the following using solver?

a) Best value, Value of, Exact Value

b) Maximum, Minimum, Value of

c) Less Than, Greater than or Equal to

d) All of the above

18 In solver dialog box ____________ option indicates the formula cell.

Ans.: Target Cell

19 You cannot select any range for changing cells option in the Solver dialog box. (True/False)

Ans.: False

20 The solver dialog box displays the the value as a result in a result message box. (True/False)

Ans.: False

Short answer questions:(2/3 Marks questions)

Q – 1 What do you mean by consolidating data?

Q – 2 Write steps to use consolidating data in OO Calc.


Q – 3 Write the options available in consolidate dialog box.

Ans.: The following options are available in consolidate the dialog box.

  • Function
  • Consolidate Ranges
  • Select data range
  • Copy results to 
  • Labels
  • Link to source data
  • Button – OK, Cancel, Help, Add, Delete, More

Q – 4 What is the role of function option in consolidate dialog box?

Ans.: The function option in consolidate dialog box allows to select the function in the destination cells. This is the first thing that has been done by the user in the consolidating data process. 

Q – 5 What is consolidation ranges list?

Ans.: The consolidation ranges list displays the list of selected ranges from where the input is coming. It is the ranges of other sheets or input values. It is displayed like this: $Sheet1.$A$6. 

Q – 6 How to add input value cells without creating ranges for data consolidation?


Step 1: Click on the source data range option.

Step 2: Click on the shrink button.

Step 3: Move to the source worksheet and select the cell.

Step 4: Now again click on the shrink button.

Step 5: Click on the Add button.

Q – 7 How to define ranges?



Short Answer Questions (2/3 Marks)

1.   What do you mean by what-if scenarios?

2.   What are the basic requirements needed for using what-if scenarios?

3.   Explain the options available under what-if scenarios dialog box?

4.   Which setting options do you need to check before creating a scenario? Explain each of them in short.

5.   What are the rules you should follow while giving the name of the scenarios?

6.   How to edit an existing scenario?

7.   Write steps to delete a scenario?

8.   How to display arrow points to show cell dependencies?

9.   What are the differences between scenarios and multiple operations?

10.                How to apply multiple operations on rows input?

11.                How to apply multiple operations on columns input?

Long answer questions (5 Marks)

1.   Write steps to create scenarios.

2.   Write steps to provide results using multiple operations.

2/3 Marks Questions

1 What do you mean by GoalSeek?

2 What are the basic predefined requirements for using GoalSeek?

3 Distinguish the Formula Cell and Variable cell.

4 Enlist the options provided by GoalSeek and explain all of them in one line each.

5 What is Solver?

6 What is role of optimized result to option in Solver dialog box?

7 What are the options available in options button of Solver dialog box?

8 What happens when click on Solve button?

5 marks questions

1 Write the complete procedure to perform GoalSeek in OO Calc.

2 Write the complete procedure to use solver in OO Calc.


1. What is use of Hyperlink in electronic spreadsheet?

2. What is Relative and absolute hyperlinks?

3. What is use of hyperlink to the sheet link to external data?

4. What is use of hyperlink to the sheet link to external registered data source?

5.  What is use of share a spreadsheet?

6. What is use of record changes?

7. What is use of macros?

8. What is the use of macro recorder.