Class 10 IT402 Question Answer Electronic Spreadsheet(Advanced) PDF Click here

CLASS 10 IT(402)






Q.1 What is Data Consolidation?

Answer:- Data Consolidation allows you to gather together your data from separate worksheets into a master worksheet. In other words, the Data Consolidation function takes data from a series of worksheets or workbooks and summaries it into a single worksheet that you can update easily.


Q.2 What is use of subtotal function?

Answer:- Use the SUBTOTAL function to exclude filtered or hidden rows when calculating a total. You can choose any one of the 11 functions that SUBTOTAL can calculate, such as Sum, Average, Count or Max.


Q.3 Write the use of “What If” Scenarios.

Answer:- Scenarios are a tool to test ―what-if‖ questions. Each scenario is named, and can be edited and formatted separately. When you print the spreadsheet, only the content of the currently active scenario is printed.


Q.4 What is use of Goal Seek?

Answer:- you run a formula to calculate a result based upon existing values. By contrast, using Goal Seek option under Tools menu, you can discover what values will produce the result that you want.


Q.5 What is Solver?

Answer:- Solver option under Tools menu amounts to a more elaborate form of  Goal Seek. The difference is that the Solver deals with equations with multiple unknown variables. It is specifically designed to minimize or maximize the result according to a set of rules that you define.


Q.1 How can we rename a worksheet?

Answer:- How can I rename a sheet?

1. Right-click the sheet tab you wish to rename and select Rename  Sheet from the popop menu, or.

2. Select Format - Sheet - Rename from the main menu, or.

3. Double-click the sheet to rename it.


Q.2 What are the two ways of referencing cells in other worksheets?

Answer:- There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.


Q.3 Differentiate between relative and absolute hyperlinks.

Answer:- An absolute hyperlink will stop working only if the target is moved. A  relative hyperlink will stop working only if the source and target locations change relative to each other. Suppose, if you have two spreadsheets in the same folder linked to each other and you move the entire folder to a new location, a relative hyperlink will not break a link.


Q.4. Fill up the blanks

a. At the bottom of each worksheet window is a small tab that indicates the name  of the worksheets in the workbook.

b. A Cell refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find  the values or data that you want formula to calculate.






1. What is the purpose of adding comments?

Answer:- Calc provides another type of comments (formerly called "notes"), which authors and reviewers often use to exchange ideas, ask for suggestions, or brainstorm in the document.


2. What is use of Record change in calc?

Answer:- Calc has the feature to track what data was changed, when the change was made, who made the change and in which cell the change has occurred. 


3. Why necessary sharing documents in open office calc?

Answer:- it is necessary to have multiple people working on a file at the same time. This can be to either speed up data entry or simply make things easier for collaboration purposes. Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in the network location where several users can access it simultaneously.


4. State True/ False

a. Original author of the Worksheet can accept or reject changes made by other  users. (True)


5. Fill up the blanks

a. Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in the network location where several users can access.

c. Spreadsheet software can find the changes by comparing Sheets.




Q. 1 What is Micros?

Answer:- A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use. An example of a simple macro is one that ―types‖ your address. The (OOo) macro language is very flexible, allowing automation of both simple and complex tasks. Macros are especially useful to repeat a task the same way over and over again. 


Q.2 What is use of sorting column using micros?

Answer:- Sorting data can be automated in Open Office by creating a Macro in  Calc. Data can be sorted on a single column or more than one column. Each time the Macro runs the data gets sorted. Such macros can be written using code in Open Office


Q.3 What is the use of Macros in a Spreadsheet?

Answer: -Macros help in saving time in cases when the same set of tasks are to be done repeatedly like formatting or applying a similar formula in a similar range of data. It can be used to name and record a set of actions or set of actions.


Q.4 Define the following:

a) Subtotals

b) Consolidating Data


a) Subtotals

Subtotal adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels for columns and/or rows. It is available in Data Tab, using the Subtotals dialog, you can select arrays, and then choose a statistical function such as Count, Min, Max etc. to be applied on arrays. For efficiency, one must choose up to three groups of arrays to which to apply a function.

b) Consolidating Data

Consolidate provides a graphical interface for copying data from one range of cells

to another, then running one of a dozen functions on the data. During  consolidation, the contents of cells from several sheets can be combined in one place.




a) The structure of a table “ITEM” is given below. Suggest suitable data type

and size of each column.


Answer:- a) Itemno integer                 (10)

Iname varchar                                    (15)

Price decimal                                    (5,2)

Quantity integer                                (3)


b) Consider the following table “ITEM”:


Write queries to

i. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the  price multiplied by quantity for each item.

ii. Display the details of items whose price is less than 50.


b) i. Select price * quantity from item;

ii. Select * from item where price < 50;


Very short answer questions (One mark questions)

1. The _____________ feature provides the contents of one cell from more than one sheet can be combined at one place.

2. You cannot combine more than one worksheet cell data into different sheets and use the formula. (True/False)

3. How to open a consolidated dialog box in OO Calc?

4. To create a range, which of the following option is used?

a. Insert → Names → Rang b. Insert → Names → Define

c. Insert → Range d. None of these

5. Which of the following button is used to define a range after typing name?

a. Add b. OK c. More d. Delete

6. The row labels and column labels options will only available when you click on _______ button.

7. The __________ option is used to update the value in consolidated worksheet formula cell automatically when the user changes data in source cell.

8. Which of the following option allows to select the source of data for the consolidation?

a. Function b. Consolidation Ranges

c. Source Data range d. Copy results to

9. Which of the following option of consolidate dialog box allow to select destination cells?

a. Function     b. Consolidation Ranges    c. Source Data range d. Copy results to

10. Once ranges are added to consolidated dialog cannot be deleted. (True/False)



1. Consolidate

2. False

3. Click on Data → Consolidate option.

4. b. Insert → Names → Define

5. a. Add

6. Consolidate by

7. Link to source data

8. c. Source Data range

9. Copy result to

10. False



Short answer questions:(2/3 Marks questions)


Q – 1 Write the options available in consolidate dialog box.

Ans.: The following options are available in consolidate the dialog box.

· Function

· Consolidate Ranges

· Select data range

· Copy results to

· Labels

· Link to source data

· Button – OK, Cancel, Help, Add, Delete, More


Q – 2 What is the role of function option in consolidate dialog box?

Ans.: The function option in consolidate dialog box allows to select the function in the destination cells. This is the first thing that has been done by the user in the consolidating data process.


Q – 3 What is consolidation ranges list?

Ans.: The consolidation ranges list displays the list of selected ranges from where  the input is coming. It is the ranges of other sheets or input values. It is displayed like this: $Sheet1.$A$6.


Q – 4 How to add input value cells without creating ranges for data consolidation?


Step 1: Click on the source data range option.

Step 2: Click on the shrink button.

Step 3: Move to the source worksheet and select the cell.

Step 4: Now again click on the shrink button.

Step 5: Click on the Add button.