

Class -IX

All Important Questions Answers

All 2,3,4 marks Question in One Video

Short Question Answer:-

1. What do you mean by cyber safety?

Ans. Cyber - safety generally refers to a set of discipline, measures and actions taken to protect personal information and your computer from attacks. It also involves the practice to respect others ' information privacy and not to indulge knowingly in divulging any information not meant for unauthorized entities.


2. What is Cyberstalking?

Ans. Cyberstalking is a crime in which someone harasses or stalks a victim using electronic or digital means, such as social media, email, instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a discussion group or forum.


3. What is privacy?

Ans. Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.


4. What is an IP address?

Ans. IP address is the most basic way of identifying a user's device. IP address is a unique identification allocated to each device over a network. In turn, IP address of user's device identifies that user on the Internet. A website can determine rough geographical location of the user from the IP address.


5. How are we tracked by cookies while surfing Internet?

 Ans . Cookies is the most traditional and common way to track information about us such as website visiting time , duration and frequency , products added in the shopping cart while online shopping , data entered into form - fields like name , address , and passwords etc. Later, on next visit of the user such information is extracted from the cookies created during last visit on user's computer. Cookies are stored as small piece of information usually in plain text form.


6. What is an antivirus software?

Ans. Antivirus is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a computer. Once installed, most antivirus software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection against virus attacks.


7. How does a spyware performs eavesdropping on our computer system?

Ans . Spyware installs itself on the computer without user's knowledge and monitors keystrokes, takes screenshots, reads chat, collects devise and user information and forwards it to the malicious owners of such program.


8. What is a firewall?

 Ans . A firewall is a security combination of hardware and software that is used to protect a server and network resources from unauthorized access and intrusion. Firewall checks the incoming data packets over the networks and filters out which do not have suitable and sufficient permission to access the network.


9. Explain Adware.

Ans. Adware is a form of malware that hides on your device and serves you advertisements. Some adware also monitors your behavior online so it can target you with specific ads.


10.  Briefly describe two threats for children over Internet .

 Ans . 1. Online predators easily find children online whose minds can be lured into any unethical activity through games , live video chat , mind affecting videos and music etc.

Cyber - bullying involves any sort of threat , or harassment over internet in the form of undesired messages in bad taste and intentions , online mockery in friend groups or circles , stalking someone's online profile and trying to post unwanted updates , sending unsolicited private messages , videos , and pictures .


11. Explain online identity theft.

Ans. Any digital identity theft definition includes a malicious actor that illegally acquires personal information (date of birth, social security number, credit card details etc.) and uses it for identity fraud (cloning credit cards, applying for loans, extorting the victim etc.).


Long Question Answer:-


12. Give four methods by which you will be able to safely use a social networking site.

Ans. The following list should be followed for using the social networking safely:

• Use a strong password. The longer it is, the more secure it will be.

• Use a different password for each of your social networking accounts and try changing it frequently.

• Set up your security answers which available with social networking sites.

• If you have social networking app on your phone, be sure to password protect your device.


13. Write the safety rule of social median.

Ans. Tips to stay safe on social media :

·       Use a strong password. The longer it is, the more secure it will be.

·       Use a different password for each of your social media accounts.

·       Set up your security answers.

·       If you have social media apps on your phone, protect your device with strong password.

·       Be selective with friend requests. If you don’t know the person, don’t accept their request. It could be a fake account.

·       Be careful about what you share. Don’t reveal sensitive personal information i.e. home address, financial information, phone number.

·       Become familiar with the privacy policies of the social media channels you use and customize your privacy settings to control who sees what.

·       Protect your computer by installing antivirus software to safeguard. Also ensure that your browser, operating system, and software are kept up to date.

·       Remember to log off when you’re done.


14. What is the method of selecting a strong password?

Ans. While selecting passwords the following points are to be remembered:

• The longer the password, the harder it is to crack. Consider a 12-character password or longer.

• Avoid names, places, and dictionary words.

• Mix it up. Use variations on capitalization, spelling, numbers, and punctuation.

• You may also use a specialized Password Manager package; as ultimately the number of passwords that you need to remember will grow.


15. State two methods by which you can detect a virus.

Ans. Following are some of the ways your computer reacts to viruses:

• The speed of your computer may go down to a considerable extent.

• Certain software may require more time to start than it does usually.

• Certain software may not start at all.

• Some software may start normally but closes down abruptly


16. How can you safely browse the web?

Ans. Safe Internet Browsing Tips :

1.   Install and use most secure Internet Browser like (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).

2.   Customise your security settings like ( shutting off features like “auto fill”, turning off “cookies”, block pop-up windows)

3.   Create typical password which cannot be recognized by others.

4.   Hide your IP (Internet Protocol) with a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

5.   Download software from trusted sources.

6.   Use Anti-Virus protection

7.   Be prompt about updating your operating system and software

8.   Don’t use unsecure Wi-Fi.

9.   Back up your data.


17. Define the following terms.


a) Cyber bullying

The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.


b) Cyber Stalking

Cyberstalking is a crime in which someone harasses or stalks a victim using electronic or digital means, such as social media, email, instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a discussion group or forum.


c) Malware

“Malware” is short for malicious software and used as a single term to refer to virus, spy ware, worm etc. Malware is designed to cause damage to a stand-alone computer or a net worked PC. So wherever a malware term is used it means a program which is designed to damage your computer it may be a virus, worm or Trojan horse.


d) Trojan Horse

Trojans are the malicious programs that are promoted as useful utilities or software and , once installed , affect the computer system and files .


e) Virus

Viruses are malicious codes that attach themselves with program files and corrupt them. They destroy useful data, format or corrupt data storage and eventually render entire computer system useless


f) Worm

Worms are malicious programs that make copies of themselves again and again on the local drive, network shares, etc. The only purpose of the worm is to reproduce itself again and again.


e) Spam

Spam email is unsolicited and unwanted junk email sent out in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient list. Typically, spam is sent for commercial purposes. It can be sent in massive volume by botnets, networks of infected computers.