1. What is Operating System?

Ans. Operating System: A type of system software that acts as an interface between the computer system along with attached devices and the user. For example: Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.



2. What is computer?

Ans . A computer is an automatic electronic, calculating device which can process a given input in a prescribed manner to produce a desired output.



3. What is hardware?

Ans . The physical components or devices attached to the computers are called hardware.


4. What is software?

Ans . Software is a set of computer program which is used to do the work of a computer.


5. What is IPO process?

Ans . All the processes in computer goes through IPO process. It is basically how a computer works. It refers to input - process - output process.


6. What is the use of processing unit ?

Ans . This unit does all the processing work in the computer i.e. CPU (Central Processing Unit). It is also known as the brain of the computer where all calculations take place.

7. What is the use of memory unit?

Ans . This unit is used to hold the data and instructions.



8. Explain DDR RAM.

Ans . DDR RAM is based on SDRAM architecture , but it utilizes the clock signal differently to transfer twice the data in the same amount of time , It achieves greater bandwidth than the preceding single - data - rate SDRAM by transferring data on the rising and falling edges of the clock signal ( double pumped ) .


9. What is cache?

Ans . It is type of RAM i.e. SRAM. Cache memory is fast memory that is built into computer's CPU or located next to it on a separate chip.


10. What is booting?

Ans . Booting is a process in which your computer gets initialized.


11. What is the main difference between primary memory and secondary memory?

Ans . Primary memory is needed by the computer for its own working. secondary memory devices are used to store the work done on the computer permanently.


12. Write the difference between primary memory and secondary memory.

Ans .

1. Primary memory is the temporary. Memory while secondary memory is the permanent memory.

2. Primary memory is primarily used by CPU for booting of system and temporarily storage of data for processing while. secondary memory is used for storage of data . for later use .



13. Write examples of primary memory and secondary memory.

Ans . Primary memory: RAM, ROM .

Secondary memory: hard Disc, DVD , Blu - ray disc , pen drive .


14. Write the functions of mouse buttons .

Ans. ( i ) Left - click ( ii ) Right - click . (iii) Double - click ( iv ) Drag and drop


15. What is the use of input unit ?

Input unit is used to feed the data and give some instructions to the computer.


16. What is Wireless Networking Tools?

Ans. They are also called unguided media that uses waves instead of cables to transfer data between computers. For example: Bluetooth, Infrared, Wi-Fi for short distance communication and Microwaves, Radio waves and Satellite for long distance communication.


17. How many types of keys are available on the keyboard?

Ans . ( i ) Alphanumeric keys ( ii ) Numeric keys ( iii ) Control keys ( iv ) Function keys ( v ) Navigation keys


18. For which applications microphone is used ?

Ans. Microphones are used in many applications such as telephones, tape recorders, hearing aids , motion picture production live and recorded audio engineering , in radio and television broadcasting and in computers for recording voice .


19. What is the use of output unit?

This unit helps the user to get output generated by the computer in different formats.


20. What is the use of storage unit ?

Storage unit are used to store the data or information in the computer so that we can use it later .

21. In which form data is stored in the computer ?

All digital computer stores the data (number, character or other) in the form of binary digits i.e. 0 or 1.


22. Where memory stick are being used ?

Memory sticks are used in digital cameras, digital music player and camcorders.


23. What are the categories of software ?

Ans. Software is a collection of programs and related data which provides the instructions to a computer, what to do and how to do.


24. What are the types of computer languages ?

Ans. Machine language, Assembly language, Third level languages, Fourth level languages and Fifth level languages.


25. What is the use of system software ?

Ans. System software operates and controls the internal functioning of a computer .

For example , formatting of a storage medium .


26. What is the use of application software ?

Ans. Application software is any program designed to perform a specific function for the users .

For example , creating an animation file in Flash .


27. What are utilities programs ?

Ans. These are the programs to help the end - user and tune the computer hardware / Software , Operating System or application software . For example , Disc Management , data backup , compression , Disc fragmentation , and anti virus software .


28. What is encryption ?

Ans. Encryption is the conversion of data into coded form using some special algorithms , called a cipher text that it cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people .


29 . What is decryption ?

Ans . Decryption is the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form ( using proper algorithms ) , so that it can be understood by receiver .


 30. What is a computer network ?

Ans . A computer network , often referred to as a network , is a system for communication among computers and other peripherals that are interconnected together to exchange information and devices .



31. Write about Wi - Fi technology .

Ans . It is the most popular wireless communication technology used for high - speed data transfer connections over a short distance ( a few hundred feet ) such as office , hotels , malls etc.


32. What is Internet ?

Ans . The Internet , sometimes called ' the Net ' is a worldwide network of computer networks , which is accessible to the general public , Internet . is such a huge network of different interlinked networks related to the business , academics , government , and other networks , therefore internet is known as the network of networks .


33. What are basic requirements for an Internet connection ?

Ans . ( i ) A Computer . ( ii ) A Modem and Network Interface Card . ( iii ) An account with Internet Service Provider :

( iv ) An Internet Connection , ( v ) An Internet Browser .


34. What are the uses of Internet ?

Ans . (i) News and Information (ii) Online Shopping (iii) Email and Chatting ( iv ) Communities ( Social Networking ) ( v ) Software Downloading


35. What is data ?

Ans . Data is a collection of raw facts ( unprocessed data ) that does not have meaning of itself . Data can be in the form of numbers , symbols , characters , words , images and measurements .


36. What is DBMS ?

Ans. Database management system (DBMS) is a software system that uses a standard method of cataloging, retrieving

and running queries on data. The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and provides ways for the data to

be modified or extracted by users or other program.


37. What is information ?

Ans , Information is nothing but the processed form of data which is meaningful to the individual who receives it .


38. What is multimedia ?

Ans . Multimedia is the combination of several media and contents such as audio, video text, etc. Multimedia finds its application in various areas such as : industry, commercial, entertainment and fine arts, education, engineering industry, mathematical and scientific research, medicine.


39. What Are sone common applications of multimedia ?

Ans . Multimedia has a variety of applications in different industries . Some common fields are entertainment in the form of musical videos , movies and animation series ; education - computer based teaching , interactive courses , immersive training , learning through virtual reality , educational videos , assessments , digital content ; scientific research and medical fields use multimedia for 3D designs of products and medicines , multimedia based communication and information sharing ,


40. What is cloud computing ? What are its benefits ?

Ans . When we access data and applications over Internet along with its online storage then it is called cloud computing . Cloud computing is cost effective because you have to pay only for the services used not for entire package . Cloud computing provides easier and flexible access from anywhere since all the data is stored on dedicated storage servers and applications are accessed online . It enhances productivity of the businesses since they do not have to bother about maintaining infrastructure required for using applications and data .